Thanks to a follower of Diablo 3 Artisans, DonReader, I’ve got the fastest way to farm gold and magic items in the Diablo 3 beta. This one is really good. How do I know it’s the fastest? Not only does it produce over 100 Subtle Essence PER HOUR but you will also find 190 gold and hour (based on my testing). Each time you salvage a magic item you’ll have a 5% chance to get a Fallen Tooth, which means you should get about 5 per hour.
At today’s market prices this comes out to about 25,000 gold/hour total without any special gear. A new record! This is painfully easy but monotonous and it requires a little bit of setup. During the setup you will be running the through the crypts which is also a good way to farm.
This method involves farming Manglemaw, who will respawn if you leave the game and return. You can use a town portal and then leave game to get out of the game in less than 10 seconds. You can rejoin and return to Manglemaw’s room in seconds. I imagine you could do this even faster if you had nicer gear than me. I only have about 25dps on this character.
I still think that gold farming using the Royal Crypts is going to be one of the most enjoyable and efficient ways to farm. The reason is because it will not depend on selling magic items but instead resulting in direct gold. This will also benefit from stacking gold find equipment in a way I’m not sure the above method will.
This is by far the fastest
Important: Many of the strategies and tips I share here were originally inspired by the people at the Diablo 3 Gold Secrets Forum. If you're serious about making the big bucks in Diablo 3, or just being the best players, you need to signup ASAP.
Thanks for crediting!
After the level requirements have been raised on items I sit at around 29 dps on my DH. If I had the dual wielded crossbows like patch 13 this could be farmed even quicker!
Although it would have been even more robotic and boring, a good pickup if in need of quick essence regardless.
Keep the tips coming!
This is pretty cool but monotonous as you said. What I’m wondering is whether you wouldn’t make more G/hr by leveling your character and progressing, rather then spending a lot of time at these lower levels…
I’m aiming at doing these things under one of two circumstances: 1) I am at max level and want to make a profit (I’ll do these on either Hell or Inferno) or 2) Early in the game Subtle/Shimmering/Wishful/Exquisite Essences are in high demand and are worth farming in mass
Nice find
In order to speed up you can destroy the door before him.
With a wizard and 52+ dps you can kill him with 3 arcane orbs (obliteration).
FYI…..the crypts have been patched. It’s no longer profitable to farm royal crypts’ jars.
You don’t need to use town portal to leave game
the last time I tested it, it was a few seconds faster