WoW’s New Heart of Aspects and $1,000,000!

If you’re still playing that old World of Warcraft game you may have noticed all over the news that earlier today Blizzard made available an extremely flashy and good looking mount called the Heart of Aspects. This thing is pretty fancy looking. Check it out:

But here is the thing. You don’t have to work your butt off doing heroic dungeon achievements, heroic raid achievements or PvP for hours on end to earn this thing. Nope, all you have to do is grab your credit card, or your mom’s credit card, and throw $25 down and next thing you know you’ll have a mount in your mail box. This is a new, somewhat unprecedented, mechanic to customizing your in game character. Whether you’re a fan of purchased novelty items or not, consider that this is a contrast to WoW’s old challenging progression and customization. But what’s more important is that we know Blizzard sold at least 40,000 of these things amounting to $1,000,000 in sales. I wonder if that’s what they paid their artist to design this thing…

Let’s put this in perspective with Diablo 3: Forty-thousand players just spent at least a total of one-million dollars to have a nicer looking mount that they barely use in game.  Think about it, what do you do in World of Warcraft? You sure as hell don’t use your mount unless you’re floating above the city or farming. You just click a button to queue up for dungeons, arenas and battlegrounds or wait for a summon from that overly energetic guild officer. People don’t quest anymore, and if they do it’s probably in Tol’Barad where you can’t even fly!

Imagine when players can buy actual items that make their character kill things faster! Not only that, but imagine when you have the chance to be on the receiving end of this transaction. What happens when you’re one of the few players with Axe of the Awesome and new casual players are willing to spend $25 on that? This really drives home the importance of getting in on the ground floor of gold making in Diablo 3. If you’re not already subscribed to D3A click the buttons on the right to do so now. I’ll be bringing you the newest gold making tips as they are available and we’ll work together to make sure we’re some of the first players to “get rich” playing a video game.

Important: Many of the strategies and tips I share here were originally inspired by the people at the Diablo 3 Gold Secrets Forum. If you're serious about making the big bucks in Diablo 3, or just being the best players, you need to signup ASAP.

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  1. Very nice post! That’s what people usually don’t get about the RMAH: players will use it. No matter what you say, you gonna end up buying the Axe of Awesomeness! It’s like in League of Legends, where players spend tons of real money buying skins for their champions.

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