When it comes to farming gold we’ve established some pretty accurate and reliable numbers in the beta. We’re stuck around 20,000-25,000 gold/hr without building a specific set of gear to optimize that. In the beta, with a ton of gold, you could put together a set between 200-250% Gold Find. This is an estimate since I haven’t actually done it, I stopped at 150% when gear started getting really expensive and then they took away the Lucky Amulet which was over powered anyways.
How much gold find will we see during release? What’s a good target and how hard is it going to be get? To figure this out I took a look at D3 Inferno, where they list the mods available per item type and their ranges. The suffixes/prefixes we are going to look for are Lucky, Glittering, Prosperous and Golden. This information is still very likely to change, but here is how it breaks down:
Amulets: +61-70% Gold Find
This is the best place to stack gold find according to data mined information. Up to 70% at max level!
Gems: +31% Gold Find
This gem will only help you when used in your helmets, meaning you will only get to use one of these. You’ll have to decide between +%Magic Find, +Experience and +%Life. But remember, an L14 gem costs 40 million gold to combine from scratch.
Rings, Offhands and Armor: +31-40% Gold Find Each
You get to equip 2 rings, 1 offhand and 8 pieces of armor (boots, bracers, gloves, pants, shoulders, belts, chest armor and helmets). That’s 11 pieces total. If each of them has the maximum possible 40% Gold Find you will have an extra 440% Gold Find.
Combined, the maximum possible amount will be 541% Gold Find. Holy hell, that’s a lot of gold find! If you were to go back to the Royal Crypts in Act I and farm gold there you would make 75,000 gold/hr. Imagine how much you will be able to make in Act IV on Inferno difficulty.
Certainly a +541% Gold Find set will be worth a lot of real money in the months shortly after Diablo 3 goes live. It will probably be worth more in real life than it is in game. At some point you will reach diminishing returns where it simply won’t be worth it to forgo selling the equipment and you will probably just want to sell the armor with 40% and use something with 35% on it instead.
Depending on how popular this stuff is, the prices may also drop faster than I expect.
Important: Many of the strategies and tips I share here were originally inspired by the people at the Diablo 3 Gold Secrets Forum. If you're serious about making the big bucks in Diablo 3, or just being the best players, you need to signup ASAP.
If you look at the affixes for legendary items they are much higher. It’s around 2300% GF.
Where can I find those?
You say that we can only slot 1 gold find gem in our helmet… but the wiki I read indicated there would be helmets with more slots. Including one level 60 helm with 4 slots.
Which is accurate?
It looks like I was wrong. I guessed it would be like a meta gem but it looks like diablo wiki knows what they are talking about. Thanks RadiantStar
So that brings us to 634%?
Of course, having 4x Radiant Stars would cost so much to produce, you would have to play another 300+ hours at 634% Gold Find to recoup your investment.
A lot of new information is coming available to me, like the potentially new price to combine gems (supposedly it scales with rank) and like Oligopoly mentioned there are legendary affixes/mods. The max +Gold Find is way more than I wrote about in this article. If I can find the facts I’m going to rewrite this.