Are you leveling your Demon Hunter? I told you why you should play a Demon Hunter, so you’re probably leveling one. Right? The Demon Hunter might be one of the most enjoyable and challenging classes to level up, but there are definitely some really easy tips that can get you started, help you keep going and help you reach level 60 easier and in less time. » Read more…
Best Monk Build
As you play your Monk through Nightmare and Hell you will have to make several important decisions about which abilities and skill runes to select. Typically the decisions amount to whether you want to survive more, do direct damage, AoE damage or reflect damage. You can easily adjust your build as you go to counter whatever weakness exist in your gear and based on your play style. » Read more…
List of Random Mob Modifiers
Depending on what difficulty you’re running, Normal as 1, Nightmare as 2, Hell as 3 and Inferno as 4; mobs that spawn randomly in the game are given 1, 2, 3 or 4 random affixes. These are randomly selected from the list below and then those abilities are used randomly against you. So if you’re rolling through Normal and see a rare pack, they will have a single affix. » Read more…
Diablo 3 Expansion
It might seem early to talk about the inevitable Diablo 3 expansion, but many players have already solo’d to the end of Inferno and have long since either started another character or flew the coop. While I’m still working my way diligently through the game many people are asking “will there be a diablo 3 expansion?” » Read more…
Demon Hunter Solo Build – Hell / Inferno
This is a completely different approach to playing the Demon Hunter in hell difficulty than I have taken in my other guides. This is a user submitted build: “Evasion Fire is the next Demon Hunter nerf! Use it before we lose it!” There seems to be as many ways to play the Demon Hunter as there are random affix combinations in Hell and Inferno. Please take a look and let me know what you think! » Read more…
Collapsing Economy
Are we in a recession? Diablo 3 released a little over a week ago and the going price of Subtle Essence has already hit rock bottom at 14 gold. The only reason it hasn’t dropped below that price is because in-game vendors will create 14 gold and give it to you for your Subtle Essence, so it makes no sense to sell it for less to another player. » Read more…
Chakram vs. Impale Demon Hunter
Chakram, Impale, Rapid Fire and Elemental Arrow are the four secondary abilities suggested by Blizzard’s Demon Hunter skill system. Rapid Fire is a great single target ability, best used in a coop game or at early levels for fun while Elemental Arrow, especially with Frost Arrow is an interesting hybrid AoE/direct damage, but what I really want to look at is my favorite Chakram and Impale. » Read more…