Tag Archives: Gems

Leveling Blacksmithing

Blacksmithing has gone through a wide array of changes since I started playing the beta last year. It started out among 2 other artisans, the mystic and the jeweler. The mystic was removed and that left only Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting. Jewelcrafting isn’t really a crafting profession, since it really just offers the ability to combine […]

Black Mushrooms, Liquid Rainbows and Gibbering Gemstones

If you haven’t realized already, I’ve been distracted by a little thing called Mists of Pandaria. It turns out they released the beta a bit prematurely in an attempt to entertain soon to be Diablo 3 players like myself before Diablo 3 comes out. It worked. As I bring my attention back to Diablo 3 […]

How to Make 1 Trillion Gold in D3!

Yesterday I updated and shared the latest version of my gem calculator. It helps visualize and calculate how much gold goes into combining gems. It takes into account the new costs of each combination (which goes up each tier) as well as the estimated value of the new reagents (Pages and Tomes). What we learned […]

Gem Combine Prices – Patch 15

The gold sinks in Jewelcrafting just got a whole lot more ridiculous. Thanks to commenter Eagle32 and DiabloNut I’ve got my hands on Patch 15′s gem crafting prices. If you remember my gem calculator (it’s now updated!) from last month the cost of combining each tier of gems (3 Chipped -> 1 Flawed) always cost […]

Buying and Selling Gold in Diablo 3

When is the right time to buy and sell gold in Diablo 3? Buying it, maybe never. Selling it, as soon as possible. Consider that gold is going to be in huge demand early in the game. Players are going to be racing to level their artisans, acquire high tier gems, buy exquisite essences and […]

How to Get +2,324% Gold Find (Revised)

Last week I wrote an article about how to get +541% Gold Find and it wasn’t long before people were commenting and sending me e-mails telling me I had it all wrong. What I tried to do was add up the maximum amounts of Gold Find for each item slot to speculate as to what […]

How to get +541% Gold Find

When it comes to farming gold we’ve established some pretty accurate and reliable numbers in the beta. We’re stuck around 20,000-25,000 gold/hr without building a specific set of gear to optimize that. In the beta, with a ton of gold, you could put together a set between 200-250% Gold Find. This is an estimate since […]

Level 60+ Gear and Gems

The Diablo 3 economy will be remarkably different than WoW for several reasons. Among them will be the fact that everything after level 60 will be exchangeable and will never be bound to a character. The difference between a character who just beat the game on Hell difficult and reached level 60 and a character […]

Best Gems by Class

In my recent class analysis we took a look at each class and which stats, mods and gear they will be looking for. One thing I didn’t do was put it all together to see the big picture. I want to answer the question: which gems will be the most popular and why? There are […]

Diablo 3 Gold Sinks

In any virtual economy there needs to be “gold sinks” – assuming the currency is gold. Otherwise the amount of gold in circulation increases too quickly. A gold sink is an expense that players pay which has the effect of taking gold out of the economy. This prevents prices from getting too high as more […]