Today marks the last day of the Diablo 3 beta, a 6 month long journey from a basic unfinished version of Diablo 3 to today’s near-complete masterpiece. We’ve seen artisans removed, the entire skill system change and the Skeleton King die at least 1,000 times. We’ve learned about the new RMAH, its fee potential structures (more information coming very soon), how to farm and the incredible value of gems. But what to do now?
Over the next two weeks we’ll be without the beta and left to our own devices. I suggest you visit and checkout the following communities and websites to make sure you’re fully equipped for the live version of the game.
Marcko’s Diablo 3 Gold Community
This is the only resource I’m going to list that costs a few bucks to join. But hey, it’s the best out there. There have already been thousands of posts and almost a hundreds of topics in his D3 forum. Part of what makes it good is that only paying members have access, so there are no trolls and it’s not loaded with trash like many other forums. It also comes with Diablo own gold guide and RMAH guides. While I try to bring you the best information I can, I still can’t compete with hundreds of members in Marcko’s Community.
Blizzard’s Official Skill Calculator
There are several other skill calculators available but I’m sticking with the official one because it will always be the first to be updated and seems to be of the best quality. It’s very important you fully familiarize yourself with your class’ skill builds so that you’re not wasting time reading tooltips after the game is released. I’ve already written about a dozen diablo builds that will help you get get started.
You’ve probably already heard of and visited Diablo Fans. This site is now officially owned by Curse Gaming so it has the resources to provide us with the latest Diablo 3 datamining and news (as well as WoW’s through MMO-Champion). I subscribe to their RSS feed to follow the latest news, blue posts and blizzard news which is usually shared through their site. They have a forum as well, but it’s full of nasty trolls and folk who aren’t so friendly.
If you’re too cheap to join Marko’s community forums (seriously?) then your best bet for intelligent conversation is here. Their forum software looks like its from the 1990s, is ugly as sin, barely works and their site is loaded with ads but I guess you get what you pay for.
Honorable Mentions
There are a few other places I visit on a regular basis, including Diablo3 Inferno, Diablo 3 Database and Diablo Nuts. Obviously, you should be subscribed to this site to get my take on the latest news, ways to make gold, et cetera. This place is completely free, so subscribe now.
Important: Many of the strategies and tips I share here were originally inspired by the people at the Diablo 3 Gold Secrets Forum. If you're serious about making the big bucks in Diablo 3, or just being the best players, you need to signup ASAP.
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