The New Magic Find and Gold Find

This is probably old news for most of my readers, but late last week blues confirmed that +Magic Find, +Gold Find and +Experience are being split across your entire group. This is a pretty notable change so I let it bounce around my head for the weekend before I commented on it. At first I was displeased, now I won’t be able to sneak into a public game and gather more gold than everyone else. After thinking about it, I realized the necessity of this change.

First off, let’s take a look at how this works. It works exactly like you would expect. In Blizzard’s example:

The group consists of four players. In total, their stats are 50% MF, +20% GF and 10% XP, each of these players will have a 12.5% ​​MF, 5% and 2.5% GF XP being in such a group.”

So, alright, I spend a fortune building a +400% Gold Find suite and head into public game where our goal is to kill some epic group of demons somewhere in the depths of hell (or whatever the hell we’ll be doing). Since there are four of us my contribution to the overall gold find is only 100%. At first this sounds disastrous, but consider that our new found friends will be contributing significantly more damage than me and they might even be wondering why I am lagging behind picking up all the extra gold.

Suddenly this doesn’t seem like a game changer but instead a game’fixer. Without the normalization of these bonuses we would be plagued by villainous do-nothing tag alongs who pop into our challenging games and just break pottery for gold.

At the same time, we might notice less attention towards gold find and magic find items. If your contribution is only 1/4th of what you actually throw on your equipment players might be less drawn towards this play style. This won’t be true in solo games or in well organized groups where players have specific roles.

Chances are this will lead to a more moderate approach towards itemization. Opposed to stacking massive amounts of these stats at the risk of diminishing returns and lose of damage, players will probably only take these stats when they really make sense. There will always still be solo and group farming, which I will be testing in detail and sharing the results with you here and at Diablo 3 Farming.

Important: Many of the strategies and tips I share here were originally inspired by the people at the Diablo 3 Gold Secrets Forum. If you're serious about making the big bucks in Diablo 3, or just being the best players, you need to signup ASAP.

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