Yesterday Blizzard announced official plans to phase in what they are calling: Balance. These wide credits will be usable to buy items for your World of Warcraft characters and move into the Real Money Auction House to buy and sell items with other players. You will be able to increase your balance by giving Blizzard money but not take real money out unless that credit was earned on the RMAH in Diablo 3. This adds a new dynamic to Blizzard games unparalleled by any other game feature I know of.
Having a real-money account balance in a massively multilpayer game promises to change the dynamics of gold-farming, casual playing, elite players and promises to add a new class of players: extreme profiteers. The goal of Diablo 3 Artisans to is lead the way for the extreme profiteers out to make real-money for playing games.
What type of players are you?
Players will be rewarded in real-money value based on their skill value relative to others. If you sit down with a new Diablo 3 account it’s going to be very difficult to make real-money. You will be able to take a stab at manipulating the auction house for profit, but this is going to be much more difficult than in games like World of Warcraft, and this will be an entirely different topic covered as details are revealed.
On the other hand, if you have a max level character with gear that only a few players have you will be able to run the most difficult content and collect the most sought after trade goods the fastest. You will be able to sell these trade goods to a huge audience of new players each with a few “ Bucks” that they are willing to part with in exchange for hard to acquire gear and trade goods.
This is the first of a few strategies that are potential money makers in Diablo 3. Racing to max level with both your Artisans and your character’s level and gear quality to have an edge over the rest of the player base in the first few weeks and months of Diablo 3. What are you willing to do to be one of the best Diablo 3 players around?
Important: Many of the strategies and tips I share here were originally inspired by the people at the Diablo 3 Gold Secrets Forum. If you're serious about making the big bucks in Diablo 3, or just being the best players, you need to signup ASAP.
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