Tag Archives: Diablo 3

Diablo 3 Farming

In the beta with just 4 quests and around an hour of playtime we were able to find, test and master over a half dozen different ways to farm in Diablo 3. These methods give us more gold per hour and per minute than doing anything else in game, other than possibly playing the auction […]

Leveling Blacksmithing

Blacksmithing has gone through a wide array of changes since I started playing the beta last year. It started out among 2 other artisans, the mystic and the jeweler. The mystic was removed and that left only Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting. Jewelcrafting isn’t really a crafting profession, since it really just offers the ability to combine […]

Barbarian Leveling Build / Leveling Guide

The Barbarian is hyped up as the most popular class going into Diablo 3. I don’t know how long that will last or if by the time you are reading this that this is still true. Either way the Barbarian is a solid class capable of farming, doing massive AoE damage, strong direct damage and […]

Big Surprises for World of Warcraft Players in Diablo 3

I don’t have data that shows how many soon to be Diablo 3 players used to be World of Warcraft junkies, but I bet there are a lot. World of Warcraft could easily be considered the MMORPG of the decade, second only to the original EverQuest which was popular before many of the present WoW […]

How Much Will 1,000 Gold Sell for in Diablo 3?

When it comes to how much gold will be worth in Diablo 3, people have already made a few guesses and I’ve even thrown out some hypothetical #s ($1 for 1,000 gold, $0.10 for 1,000 gold, etc). These guesses serve mostly to get our brains thinking about how the economy will work in Diablo 3 […]

Bad Ass Armor Sets – Datamined

The armor sets in Diablo 3 are surprisingly unique compared to their Diablo 2 counter parts. In D2 there were just a few low resolution sets, in the coming release of D3 we’ve got fully 3D models high resolution sets, and not just a few. Here are videos, one for each of the five classes, […]

Money Making Schemes in Diablo 3

Ahhhh! Get my gun! It’s a money making scheme! I recently read a discussion at DiabloFans and it sounded really familiar to a few I’ve seen elsewhere. The general attitude is that making real money or even talking about making real money in Diablo 3 is taboo. You’re a social misfit if you mention making […]

Black Mushrooms, Liquid Rainbows and Gibbering Gemstones

If you haven’t realized already, I’ve been distracted by a little thing called Mists of Pandaria. It turns out they released the beta a bit prematurely in an attempt to entertain soon to be Diablo 3 players like myself before Diablo 3 comes out. It worked. As I bring my attention back to Diablo 3 […]

Using your Stash – Cost to Upgrade

The Diablo 3 stash system is similar to an Artisan because you share it on all of your account’s characters. You throw items in there and they are accessible when you load up the auction house and in game from other players.  You also upgrade the stash through various levels to expand its capacity. This […]

Will “Chinese Farmers” Ruin Diablo 3?

One of the big questions I’ve seen pop up on forums all over is whether or not farmers will ruin Diablo 3. The fear is well founded, people are often afraid of what they don’t understand and this definitely applies here. But first, keep in mind that when I say ‘farmer’ in this article I […]