Tag Archives: Game Players

Simple Auction House Manipulation – 6k gold in minutes

I’ve been doing a lot of complicated stuff on the auction house to make gold, some of it works and some of it doesn’t. But this is the most simple way I have found that works and is repeatable at just about any time of the day. On average I’m making 10,000 gold in a […]

Buying and Selling Gold in Diablo 3

When is the right time to buy and sell gold in Diablo 3? Buying it, maybe never. Selling it, as soon as possible. Consider that gold is going to be in huge demand early in the game. Players are going to be racing to level their artisans, acquire high tier gems, buy exquisite essences and […]

Making Gold on Day 1

Expansions and patches in World of Warcraft are the absolute best time to make gold. Coming into the update we typically have all the information we need, which glyphs are being added, which raids, which bosses, what will go up in demand and so on. Making gold during the days and weeks after the patch […]