Tag Archives: Orb

Wizard Leveling Build

The purpose of this build is to blow through most of Normal and the beginning of Nightmare difficulty. Most of it is unlocked in the late teens but some of the skills are not completely unlocked until level 30 when you enter Act IV of Normal difficulty. The build’s primary focus is doing careless damage. […]

List of Random Mob Modifiers

Depending on what difficulty you’re running, Normal as 1, Nightmare as 2, Hell as 3 and Inferno as 4; mobs that spawn randomly in the game are given 1, 2, 3 or 4 random affixes. These are randomly selected from the list below and then those abilities are used randomly against you. So if you’re […]

Best Wizard Build

The following build is the best Wizard build I could find. It’s a strong DPS build and will work well in both cooperative/group and solo play. It’s geared towards doing high damage with abilities that you can use when you need to get out of trouble or stay alive a little longer to do more […]

Wizard Leveling Guide (1-60)

The Wizard is an awesome class to play, easily one of the most enjoyable yet still moderately challenging classes available. You will use arcane, frost and fire to destroy your foes while also using kick ass magical abilities to save your own life. In this guide we’ll look at how to level your Wizard from […]

Wizard AoE Build

This Wizard AoE build is built for high damage and high AoE ability. It’s somewhat of a derivation of my previous Wizard Farming Build where I focused on travel speed, arcane regeneration and AoE. This time, I focused mostly on AoE and passed on the teleportation. This makes this build more suitable for farming or […]

Wizard Farming Build

It’s time to take a really close look at the Wizard class and see if we can come up the best Wizard Farming Build. Last week I shared a Demon Hunter Farming Build, I’ll try to hit each class before release. Let me know if you have any builds you’d like to share!

Wizard Stats Preview

Making gold and real money in Diablo 3 is going to require a lot of specialized knowledge, not just about your class but about the other 4 character classes in the game. Knowing what a Daibo is and why it exists will help us know what to salvage, sell and keep for later. The Wizard […]

Diablo 3 AoE Farming Skills – Part 2

Yesterday, we talked about rolling around with our Barbarian and Demon Hunters, throwing grenades and smashing groups of enemies with our Groundstomp and Earthquakes. Today let’s take a look at the other 3 classes’ AoE Farming Skills; the Wizard, With Doctor and Monk.