Swapping in your +Magic Find gear right before a boss dies is not going to be an option for long. I mentioned last week that this is a great opportunity to make gold between now and the implementation of a fix, since gear with damage stats and magic find will jump in value when Blizzard […]
Tag Archives: Period Of Time
Monk AoE & Leveling Build
Monks excel at area of effect (AoE) attacks. Most of their abilities have an AoE as a primary or side effect. If you like seeing exploding bodies and elemental craziness zapping across the screen then the monk is for you. Building a monk that is efficient at AoE destruction without a whole lot of downtime […]
How Does +Gold Find Work?
I wanted to find out exactly how +Gold Find and +Magic Find work. Their tooltips say that they increase the amount of gold or magic items you will find by a certain percent. If you have 100% +Gold Find does that mean that gold is twice as likely to drop from something or are you […]
Diablo 3 Gold Sinks
In any virtual economy there needs to be “gold sinks” – assuming the currency is gold. Otherwise the amount of gold in circulation increases too quickly. A gold sink is an expense that players pay which has the effect of taking gold out of the economy. This prevents prices from getting too high as more […]