If you participated in the “launch event” I’m sure you’re already familiar with Error 37. As I write this very few people are able to create a character and the game has been “live” for over an hour. Blizzard’s servers simply were not able to handle the 12:01 PDT launch time and I can’t imagine […]
Tag Archives: Stress Test
What we Learned from the Open Beta
Posted by Meldora
1 comment
Earlier this morning ended the open beta. What Blizzard refereed to as a stress test. Although, based on the numbers only about 4x the normal number of players played in the beta. After all this, what did we learn?
How to get into the Diablo 3 Beta
Posted by Meldora
Blizzard beta tests are much anticipated and sought after. All of Blizzard’s major expansions and Starcraft II have had popular and large scale beta test periods. Even Blizzard’s initial launch of World of Warcraft consisted of a closed beta test, an open stress test and then another closed test which included some of the fastest […]