Paragon farming is not fun. It’s boring, repetitive, and monotonous…but here’s a new spec that will speed up your farming and make it interesting again. Ever since Whirlwind Barbarians became the best thing since sliced bread, everyone has been trying to duplicate their mindless “hey I’m just gonna run though and kill everything and not […]
Tag Archives: Aoe
Demon Hunter build 1.0.4 – Izual Inferno kill
How do you kill Izual on Inferno, after Patch 1.0.4? Let’s take a look…
Demon Hunter Solo Build – Hell / Inferno
This is a completely different approach to playing the Demon Hunter in hell difficulty than I have taken in my other guides. This is a user submitted build: “Evasion Fire is the next Demon Hunter nerf! Use it before we lose it!” There seems to be as many ways to play the Demon Hunter as […]
Best Wizard Build
The following build is the best Wizard build I could find. It’s a strong DPS build and will work well in both cooperative/group and solo play. It’s geared towards doing high damage with abilities that you can use when you need to get out of trouble or stay alive a little longer to do more […]
Monk AoE & Leveling Build
Monks excel at area of effect (AoE) attacks. Most of their abilities have an AoE as a primary or side effect. If you like seeing exploding bodies and elemental craziness zapping across the screen then the monk is for you. Building a monk that is efficient at AoE destruction without a whole lot of downtime […]