Tag Archives: Buy Gold

Diablo 3 Gold Secrets Review

If you’ve been reading Diablo 3 Artisans then you’ll realize that at the end of every post I have a little mention about the Diablo 3 Gold Secrets guide. It’s what I refer to as Marcko’s Diablo 3 Community. What you might be looking for though, is a honest review of this community. So hopefully […]

How Much Will 1,000 Gold Sell for in Diablo 3?

When it comes to how much gold will be worth in Diablo 3, people have already made a few guesses and I’ve even thrown out some hypothetical #s ($1 for 1,000 gold, $0.10 for 1,000 gold, etc). These guesses serve mostly to get our brains thinking about how the economy will work in Diablo 3 […]

Sell Your Gold – Inflation is Serious Business

The other day a reader wrote a comment asking if it would be smarter to invest gold in the first few days into your artisan. It might be, but let’s take a realistic look at what’s going to happen to the real-money value of gold in the first week of Diablo 3.

Buying and Selling Gold in Diablo 3

When is the right time to buy and sell gold in Diablo 3? Buying it, maybe never. Selling it, as soon as possible. Consider that gold is going to be in huge demand early in the game. Players are going to be racing to level their artisans, acquire high tier gems, buy exquisite essences and […]