Tag Archives: Diablo Blizzard

Beta Level Cap – Not Spoiling Diablo III

Blizzard has made very clear in the past, and once again on the forums here, that they have no plans or intention to raise the level cap in the Diablo 3 beta. “Nah. Thirteen will still be the level cap in Beta Patch 10, and we’ve no plans at this time to raise the cap […]

Gambling in Diablo 3?

In Diablo 2 Blizzard implemented a system specifically to meet the needs of the gambler. They put an NPC in each town loaded with several normal quality items and after you purchase them you would be able to find out whether they were rare, unique or elite. After early bugs were taken care of, the […]

Real Money Auction House Diablo 3

Thursday Blizzard released a beta version of the Real Money Auction House (RMAH), possibly one of the biggest jaw dropping features coming in Diablo 3. This will streamline the real money making potential for all players, whether they work for a Chinese farmer or not. Blizzard’s online games have always been carefully protected from hackers […]