Tag Archives: E Mail

How to: Secret Cow Level in Diablo 3

If I had a penny for every e-mail, instant message and text message with people asking me: “how do I get to the secret cow level” I’d be… well I wouldn’t be rich, but I’d have some pennies. In Diablo 2 the cow level was used by some players to gather gems and to just […]

Demon Hunter Farming Build

It’s time to sit down and take a look at the various skills and runes available to help us farm in the live version. You can literally sit for hours looking at the Battle.net Skill Calculator, tinkering with Skill Runes and different active and passive skill combinations. What’s the best Demon Hunter farming build? I […]

Blizzard Announces BattleTags

This weekend Blizzard pushed out Patch 8 of the Diablo 3 beta along with their first public testing phase of their new BattleTag system. The BattleTag system is “a unified, player-chosen nickname that will identify you across all of Battle.net — in Blizzard Entertainment games, on our websites, and in our community forums.” Basically, this […]