Tag Archives: Jeweler

How to Use Jewelcrafting to Make Gold

A lot of successful World of Warcraft players thought they were going to make a ton of gold in Diablo 3. After making millions of gold in World of Warcraft with their professions, professions like Jewelcrafting, they geared up, collected some gems and power leveled the jeweler. Did they get rich? Maybe, I’ll explain how […]

How to Make Gold with Jewelcrafting

Is it possible to make gold with your Jeweler? Yes, but right now a lot of players are just giving their money away when combining the wrong gems. If you haven’t already, you need to level your jeweler. You can read my jewelcrafting leveling guide to see how much it will cost you and how […]

Don’t Combine Gems

If you haven’t noticed already the prices of gems have already crashed. They are more valuable in their low-quality form than their high quality form, and anyone who is combining gems is losing money big time.

Final Gold Making Ideas for Launch

Launch is about 8 hours away, hopefully you’re sleeping getting a good rest before the servers open up and the Skeleton King gets pummeled by over a million first-time players. Here’s a list of mental notes I have sitting at my side that I think will be beneficial

Leveling Blacksmithing

Blacksmithing has gone through a wide array of changes since I started playing the beta last year. It started out among 2 other artisans, the mystic and the jeweler. The mystic was removed and that left only Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting. Jewelcrafting isn’t really a crafting profession, since it really just offers the ability to combine […]

Using Crafting to Make Gold

Crafting to make gold is going to be a potential gold maker for players in Diablo 3, especially early in the game. Many players have mentioned to me that they are planning to focus on either their Jeweler or Blacksmith to see what they can make early on. We don’t have a lot to go […]

Best Gems by Class

In my recent class analysis we took a look at each class and which stats, mods and gear they will be looking for. One thing I didn’t do was put it all together to see the big picture. I want to answer the question: which gems will be the most popular and why? There are […]

Diablo 3 Gold Sinks

In any virtual economy there needs to be “gold sinks” – assuming the currency is gold. Otherwise the amount of gold in circulation increases too quickly. A gold sink is an expense that players pay which has the effect of taking gold out of the economy. This prevents prices from getting too high as more […]

39,858,050 Gold, and what it means to You!

Yesterday I shared with everyone my gem calculator which helps determine the values of gems on the auction house along with the cost of combining gems into higher tiered gems. One of the things that immediately threw me off was the massive amount it costs just to combine gems. At first sight, 50 gold to […]

Mystic Removed from Diablo III

That’s right, the Mystic Artisan is being removed from Diablo III. This was among several significant game changes that were announced this morning. These changes are part of what is ‘holding up’ the Diablo III release which was originally estimated for the end of 2011. Without a release date, we’re still at least 2 months […]