The 25 cents club is gaining members rapidly. These are all those players who have made at least a quarter on the auction house. You can sell just about any decent piece of gear at any level for $1.25 if not more. Players have loaded up their real money balances and began looking for upgrades. […]
Tag Archives: Risk
Can You Really Make Money in Diablo 3?
Today a friend of mine asked me: “do you think D3′s “sell shit for real money” system will actually be worth investing in?” Now, let me be clear, this guy had no idea what I’ve been up to the last 6 months. As far as he knows I’m still playing World of Warcraft and collecting […]
To Craft or Not to Craft?
To craft or not to craft… that is the question. One of the more important decisions you’re going to have to make when you load up the release version of Diablo 3 is what to do with all those Subtle Essence you have in your bag. No longer than 30-40 minutes into the game you’re […]
Realm Money vs. Gold Auction Houses… Which one to use?
There is a lot of misunderstanding about the RMAH (Realm Money Auction House) going around. It is my prediction that Diablo 3 will NOT be the ‘center’ of the Diablo 3 economy. It seems that the importance of the RMAH is being blown way out of proportion and someone needs to step in and help […]