Tag Archives: Starcraft Ii

Diablo 3 Expansion

It might seem early to talk about the inevitable Diablo 3 expansion, but many players have already solo’d to the end of Inferno and have long since either started another character or flew the coop. While I’m still working my way diligently through the game many people are asking “will there be a diablo 3 […]

Why Brute Force Market Manipulation WON’T Work

There are a lot of people talking about using different types of market manipulation in Diablo 3 and I want to be among the first to warn you and to think about this before you think you can corner a Diablo 3 market. One strategy that is floating around is to buy out all the […]

Why YOU Should Play Diablo 3

There are still people out there with no intention of playing Diablo 3. These are the folks content playing games like Skyrim, World of Warcraft, Angry Birds and Starcraft II. I’ve played the beta enough to have a pretty good idea how the final game is going to play out and its my conclusion it’s […]