In World of Warcraft players would repeat content countless times in the hopes that they would earn a particular piece of gear. We ran and reran raids for tokens, reputation and the chance an epic upgrade would drop. Since we knew what the drop rates were there was a pretty predictable progression curve, if your […]
Tag Archives: World Of Warcraft
How to Use Jewelcrafting to Make Gold
A lot of successful World of Warcraft players thought they were going to make a ton of gold in Diablo 3. After making millions of gold in World of Warcraft with their professions, professions like Jewelcrafting, they geared up, collected some gems and power leveled the jeweler. Did they get rich? Maybe, I’ll explain how […]
Diablo 3 Expansion
It might seem early to talk about the inevitable Diablo 3 expansion, but many players have already solo’d to the end of Inferno and have long since either started another character or flew the coop. While I’m still working my way diligently through the game many people are asking “will there be a diablo 3 […]
Diablo III Will be too Easy
How easy will Diablo III be? This is a big question on a lot of people’s minds. They are sick and tired of World of Warcraft and how easy it has become. Many players have long since left World of Warcraft to play FPS or RTS games, just for the genuine challenge. Leaving the argument […]
Diablo 3 Final Preparation
Looking back at my days of playing and making gold in World of Warcraft there were a few very notable events that stick out in my mind. One that I remember was Patch 3.0.2. It was patch day, Tuesday, and I had saved up a bunch of herbs and I went straight to milling and […]
Demon Hunter Leveling Build / Leveling Guide
The Demon Hunter is a diverse and agile class. It’s famous for it’s Vault ability that lunges it forward as well as its Rapid Fire and Fan of Knives (think World of Warcraft Rogue). This leveling build will help you save time while leveling by giving you a baseline for what to work with. I […]
Big Surprises for World of Warcraft Players in Diablo 3
I don’t have data that shows how many soon to be Diablo 3 players used to be World of Warcraft junkies, but I bet there are a lot. World of Warcraft could easily be considered the MMORPG of the decade, second only to the original EverQuest which was popular before many of the present WoW […]
How Much Will 1,000 Gold Sell for in Diablo 3?
When it comes to how much gold will be worth in Diablo 3, people have already made a few guesses and I’ve even thrown out some hypothetical #s ($1 for 1,000 gold, $0.10 for 1,000 gold, etc). These guesses serve mostly to get our brains thinking about how the economy will work in Diablo 3 […]
Will “Chinese Farmers” Ruin Diablo 3?
One of the big questions I’ve seen pop up on forums all over is whether or not farmers will ruin Diablo 3. The fear is well founded, people are often afraid of what they don’t understand and this definitely applies here. But first, keep in mind that when I say ‘farmer’ in this article I […]