Tag Archives: Beta

Using Followers in Diablo 3 for Farming and Progression

In Diablo 3, similar to Diablo 2, you will have the option of using 1 of 3 different followers. These ‘mercenaries’ are unlocked as you complete certain quests throughout each difficulty of the game. The followers can be used to help fight back the minions of hell and defeat Diablo. Certainly each one will have […]

Crafting Legendary Gear in Diablo 3

In World of Warcraft I’ve made a lot of my gold crafting epic gear from the latest raid or just by crafting items that have a good track record of selling. Examples like this are the latest PvP gear and beginner level tank gear. Is there a potential to do this in Diablo 3? A […]

Rune Dust and Runestones

Runestones are going to be really important in Diablo 3. There will be 6 types of Runestones each with 1 of 7 ranks. These Runestones are applied to your skills similar to the way that glyphs are applied to your character in World of Warcraft and with similar effect. These effects range from the sort […]

Blizzard Announces BattleTags

This weekend Blizzard pushed out Patch 8 of the Diablo 3 beta along with their first public testing phase of their new BattleTag system. The BattleTag system is “a unified, player-chosen nickname that will identify you across all of Battle.net — in Blizzard Entertainment games, on our websites, and in our community forums.” Basically, this […]

Realm Money vs. Gold Auction Houses… Which one to use?

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the RMAH (Realm Money Auction House) going around. It is my prediction that Diablo 3 will NOT be the ‘center’ of the Diablo 3 economy. It seems that the importance of the RMAH is being blown way out of proportion and someone needs to step in and help […]