The details of Patch 1.0.3 have been circulating for over a week now. Blizzard is bringing big changes to artisans, inferno progression, drop rates and most notably: drop rates. We also expect Blizzard to bring the real money auction house commodities market online for the first time. This will mark the first time players can […]
Tag Archives: Coop
Demon Hunter Leveing Guide (1-60)
This is the first version of my Demon Hunter Leveling Guide. Updated for Patch 1.0.2 on 5/29/2012. Look for big updates to the leveling portion soon! Once completed it will include how and why to build, configure, gear and play your Demon Hunter as well as how to level from 1 to 60.
Diablo 3 Expansion
It might seem early to talk about the inevitable Diablo 3 expansion, but many players have already solo’d to the end of Inferno and have long since either started another character or flew the coop. While I’m still working my way diligently through the game many people are asking “will there be a diablo 3 […]
Chakram vs. Impale Demon Hunter
Chakram, Impale, Rapid Fire and Elemental Arrow are the four secondary abilities suggested by Blizzard’s Demon Hunter skill system. Rapid Fire is a great single target ability, best used in a coop game or at early levels for fun while Elemental Arrow, especially with Frost Arrow is an interesting hybrid AoE/direct damage, but what I […]