Tag Archives: Diablo Iii

How to: Secret Cow Level in Diablo 3

If I had a penny for every e-mail, instant message and text message with people asking me: “how do I get to the secret cow level” I’d be… well I wouldn’t be rich, but I’d have some pennies. In Diablo 2 the cow level was used by some players to gather gems and to just […]

Error 37 – The servers are busy at this time

If you participated in the “launch event” I’m sure you’re already familiar with Error 37. As I write this very few people are able to create a character and the game has been “live” for over an hour. Blizzard’s servers simply were not able to handle the 12:01 PDT launch time and I can’t imagine […]

Diablo III Will be too Easy

How easy will Diablo III be? This is a big question on a lot of people’s minds. They are sick and tired of World of Warcraft and how easy it has become. Many players have long since left World of Warcraft to play FPS or RTS games, just for the genuine challenge. Leaving the argument […]

May 15th – Diablo III Official Release Date

This morning Blizzard finally announced the May 15th release date for Diablo III. This gives us exactly until the servers go live. Between now and then you can prepurchase the standard edition at battle.net, download the encrypted client and then be ready as soon as the servers go live.

Patch 13 Changes – Who Cares!?!

All weekend people have been drooling and anticipating the new and significant Patch 13 changes. Mostly the ones that revolve around the gold based auction house and real money auction houses. All together these changes include: The addition of a public chat rooms (Class Chat, General Chat, Trade Chat, etc New Interfaces: Skill & Rune […]

Beta Level Cap – Not Spoiling Diablo III

Blizzard has made very clear in the past, and once again on the forums here, that they have no plans or intention to raise the level cap in the Diablo 3 beta. “Nah. Thirteen will still be the level cap in Beta Patch 10, and we’ve no plans at this time to raise the cap […]

Sweeping Changes to Stats and Artisan Leveling

After last week’s announcement, among other things, that they were removing the Mystic Artisan (I never saw her anyways) and removing the Nephelum Cube today we’re met with Patch 10. What’s in Patch 10? More sweeping changes. We’re sitting at about 1 month after the latest projected release date and we’re still talking about what […]

Mystic Removed from Diablo III

That’s right, the Mystic Artisan is being removed from Diablo III. This was among several significant game changes that were announced this morning. These changes are part of what is ‘holding up’ the Diablo III release which was originally estimated for the end of 2011. Without a release date, we’re still at least 2 months […]

Gambling in Diablo 3?

In Diablo 2 Blizzard implemented a system specifically to meet the needs of the gambler. They put an NPC in each town loaded with several normal quality items and after you purchase them you would be able to find out whether they were rare, unique or elite. After early bugs were taken care of, the […]

Diablo Magic Find Items

In Diablo 3 ‘farming’ is going to be a huge element in the economy. It’s going to be one of the main sources of items like Tomes of Training, salvaged materials, legendary, rare and magic items, gold and one of the only sources of experience for your character. Players will quickly dominate the content that […]