Tag Archives: Good Chance

Why Farming Sucks in Diablo 3

In World of Warcraft players would repeat content countless times in the hopes that they would earn a particular piece of gear. We ran and reran raids for tokens, reputation and the chance an epic upgrade would drop. Since we knew what the drop rates were there was a pretty predictable progression curve, if your […]

What we Learned from the Open Beta

Earlier this morning ended the open beta. What Blizzard refereed to as a stress test. Although, based on the numbers only about 4x the normal number of players played in the beta. After all this, what did we learn?

Farming Subtle Essence – Patch 14 – Captain Daltyn

I’ve really tested 4-5 different methods to farming in the beta. There’s the crypts farming which everyone raves about for which I haven’t done a video on yet. There’s farming Captain Daltyn, Mira Eamon and Royal Crypts. The best one I found in Patch 13 was Captain Daltyn. With the Demon Hunter you can get […]

Diablo Release Date April 17th

That’s right, you heard it here first! Diablo 3′s release date will be April 17th. Okay, you got me. It’s just a rumor. A very popular rumor. So popular that you probably heard it before you saw it here ): Is it true? If it isn’t, the release date is going to be damn close […]

Activision Announces Diablo 3 Release Date… NOT!

The looooong anticipated Diablo 3 release date has been pushed back twice now, once late last year when Blizzard backed off from a Q4 2011 target and again today when they announced they will not release Diablo 3 in the first quarter, but instead are “targeting a second quarter launch.” So when the hell are […]