Tag Archives: Jay Wilson

How to: Secret Cow Level in Diablo 3

If I had a penny for every e-mail, instant message and text message with people asking me: “how do I get to the secret cow level” I’d be… well I wouldn’t be rich, but I’d have some pennies. In Diablo 2 the cow level was used by some players to gather gems and to just […]

Diablo III Will be too Easy

How easy will Diablo III be? This is a big question on a lot of people’s minds. They are sick and tired of World of Warcraft and how easy it has become. Many players have long since left World of Warcraft to play FPS or RTS games, just for the genuine challenge. Leaving the argument […]

Diablo Release Date April 17th

That’s right, you heard it here first! Diablo 3′s release date will be April 17th. Okay, you got me. It’s just a rumor. A very popular rumor. So popular that you probably heard it before you saw it here ): Is it true? If it isn’t, the release date is going to be damn close […]