It might seem early to talk about the inevitable Diablo 3 expansion, but many players have already solo’d to the end of Inferno and have long since either started another character or flew the coop. While I’m still working my way diligently through the game many people are asking “will there be a diablo 3 […]
Tag Archives: Starcraft
Activision Announces Diablo 3 Release Date… NOT!
The looooong anticipated Diablo 3 release date has been pushed back twice now, once late last year when Blizzard backed off from a Q4 2011 target and again today when they announced they will not release Diablo 3 in the first quarter, but instead are “targeting a second quarter launch.” So when the hell are […]
Why Brute Force Market Manipulation WON’T Work
There are a lot of people talking about using different types of market manipulation in Diablo 3 and I want to be among the first to warn you and to think about this before you think you can corner a Diablo 3 market. One strategy that is floating around is to buy out all the […]
How to get into the Diablo 3 Beta
Blizzard beta tests are much anticipated and sought after. All of Blizzard’s major expansions and Starcraft II have had popular and large scale beta test periods. Even Blizzard’s initial launch of World of Warcraft consisted of a closed beta test, an open stress test and then another closed test which included some of the fastest […]
Diablo 3 Release Date
The development of Diablo 3 was announced in June of 2008 in Paris at the Blizzard Worldwide Invitational. Over 3 and a half years of waiting and we are playing in beta, reading fan sites and learning details of the game from data miners, speculators and lucky beta participants. The question on all our minds […]