Farming Subtle Essence – Patch 14 – Captain Daltyn

I’ve really tested 4-5 different methods to farming in the beta. There’s the crypts farming which everyone raves about for which I haven’t done a video on yet. There’s farming Captain Daltyn, Mira Eamon and Royal Crypts. The best one I found in Patch 13 was Captain Daltyn. With the Demon Hunter you can get to and kill him in about 30 seconds. It only takes 45-55 seconds to repeat the whole process and it results in at least 1 magic item and about 100 gold.

I had to test this in Patch 14 to see what has changed:

As you can see they changed a few things. First is the amount of health that Captain Daltyn has, but this has a trivial impact on farming Subtle Essence. They also made is so that you can not move once you click ‘Leave Game’ This has the effect of making the runs take 5-10 more seconds than in Patch 13. They also increased the amount of gold that drops and I believe they upped the quest rewards. These are all pretty minor changes but it does seem like I am blowing through these things a lot faster now.

The value of Subtle Essence is also likely to go up with these changes, mainly because there are more needed to craft, there is more gold in the game now that it drops more often and there are less good items available in the beta so players will probably be crafting a lot more.

All this combined is really telling me that Blizzard did nothing to prevent this “exploit” and that it still has a really good chance of being a viable farming method come release.

Important: Many of the strategies and tips I share here were originally inspired by the people at the Diablo 3 Gold Secrets Forum. If you're serious about making the big bucks in Diablo 3, or just being the best players, you need to signup ASAP.

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  1. Is there a way of contacting you?

    I may have stumbled upon a location to farm, but I have some doubts.

    Would like a second opinion of another farmer!

    I can get a FRAPS recording to you if you’re interested.

  2. I find the royal crypts drop the highest amounts of gold(80s,90s), I stop just before the pillars event and log out.

    867 gold in 97 seconds in the first couple of chambers just opening vases and coffins as a WD with +70% gold find. Only did one run though for giggles, TP/Logout/Resume times weren’t included so if we say ~110 seconds it’s somewhere around 28K GPH

  3. I’d like to but I started getting the 315300 error last night, still happening this morning.. I thought they fixed this! (I tried some fixes in the forums but didn’t help)

    you’re looting the bodies and loose stones in the floor too right? after playing Path of Exile for months I got used to spells looting bodies.

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