Demon Hunter Inferno Build (Patch 1.0.3) & How to Gear Up

Hi friends! I’m finally back from a long trip through Europe! I had a great time, saw some awesome things, and drank a lot of beer! The trip was great, but I couldn’t really enjoy it knowing that Patch 1.0.3 was going to drop and change some key things for us Demon Hunters. Watching the comments come in on my previous post, I could tell a lot of you were concerned also. Fortunately, the changes aren’t that bad. I’ve got a a few tweaks to my previous build that should help all of us progress farther into Inferno and I have videos of this build in action! The videos are at the bottom if you want to avoid my wall of text x_x. OK, lets get started! » Read more…

Where to Find Fiery Brimstones

Fiery Brimstones, the legendary crafting material found from salvaging magic, rare and legendary inferno items, are the new hit seller on the auction house. Weeks ago they were selling for 50,000 gold but after patch 1.0.3 the price has started to increase steadily. Yesterday the price sat at 136k and today we’re looking at 180k. Will it go up again tomorrow? This might be the first large scale diablo bubble. Regardless when you read this post and what the prices are of Fiery Brimstones, here are some ways to “farm” Fiery Brimstone. » Read more…

How to Calculate DPS

Diablo 3′s damage system is really easy to do your own calculations for, while there are also several advanced spreadsheet based DPS calculators you can actually do it all by hand or even make your own spreadsheet. It’s always better to understand how DPS is calculated opposed to just depending on a spreadsheet. Here is how DPS is calculated in Diablo 3. » Read more…

How to Use Jewelcrafting to Make Gold

A lot of successful World of Warcraft players thought they were going to make a ton of gold in Diablo 3. After making millions of gold in World of Warcraft with their professions, professions like Jewelcrafting, they geared up, collected some gems and power leveled the jeweler. Did they get rich? Maybe, I’ll explain how you can lose gold, save gold and even make gold with your Jeweler. » Read more…

Patch 1.0.3 Changes and the RMAH

The details of Patch 1.0.3 have been circulating for over a week now. Blizzard is bringing big changes to artisans, inferno progression, drop rates and most notably: drop rates. We also expect Blizzard to bring the real money auction house commodities market online for the first time. This will mark the first time players can buy and sell gold in a Blizzard game for real money. » Read more…

What’s the Best Class?

I’ve already told you what I thought the best class was in Diablo so far, but what do you think? Obviously there are multiple ways to measure one class against another. There is PvP, which we know virtually nothing about.  There is the classes ability to progress through Inferno solo, its ability to level quickly and its ability to farm. Overall, what do you think the best class is so far in Diablo 3? » Read more…

Bosses by Level

Blizzard setup the leveling so that you would complete the first three difficulties within the same amount of time that it takes you to reach level 60. The first 31 levels are designed to be spent working your way through Normal difficulty, where you familiarize yourself with bosses and just about every active ability your class has to offer. Levels 31 to 50 you will spend in Nightmare revisiting Act I through IV. Finally the last 19 levels are spent struggling (hopefully) through Hell difficulty. Here are how the levels break down by each boss: » Read more…

How to Kill Rakanoth

Rakanoth is one of the hardest bosses in the game. He boasts a combination of annoying adds and a near-instant teleport 1-shot. Chances are if you’re here you’re already familiar with the frustration Rakanoth can dish out. In order to beat Rakanoth, we have to understand Rakanoth: » Read more…

What’s the Best Follower?

Followers are one of the first things I notice new players are ignoring when they first play the game. In Diablo 2 followers were mostly unnecessary but in Diablo 3 they are extremely helpful as they deal damage, stun and snare enemies, offer buffs and even heal you. So the question that comes to most players mind is which follower is the best for my class? So let’s take a look.

Best Follower » Read more…