Paragon farming is not fun. It’s boring, repetitive, and monotonous…but here’s a new spec that will speed up your farming and make it interesting again. Ever since Whirlwind Barbarians became the best thing since sliced bread, everyone has been trying to duplicate their mindless “hey I’m just gonna run though and kill everything and not […]
Tag Archives: Calculator
How to Use Jewelcrafting to Make Gold
A lot of successful World of Warcraft players thought they were going to make a ton of gold in Diablo 3. After making millions of gold in World of Warcraft with their professions, professions like Jewelcrafting, they geared up, collected some gems and power leveled the jeweler. Did they get rich? Maybe, I’ll explain how […]
Wizard Leveling Build
The purpose of this build is to blow through most of Normal and the beginning of Nightmare difficulty. Most of it is unlocked in the late teens but some of the skills are not completely unlocked until level 30 when you enter Act IV of Normal difficulty. The build’s primary focus is doing careless damage. […]
How to Make Gold with Jewelcrafting
Is it possible to make gold with your Jeweler? Yes, but right now a lot of players are just giving their money away when combining the wrong gems. If you haven’t already, you need to level your jeweler. You can read my jewelcrafting leveling guide to see how much it will cost you and how […]
Don’t Combine Gems
If you haven’t noticed already the prices of gems have already crashed. They are more valuable in their low-quality form than their high quality form, and anyone who is combining gems is losing money big time.
How to Level Jewelcrafting
There are only 4 full days left before the release and one of the big questions you should be asking yourself are: what are you going to do with your gold, are you going to level jewelcrafting, are you going to level blacksmithing or are you going to gear up your character? Previously we talked […]
The Calm Before the Storm
Today marks the last day of the Diablo 3 beta, a 6 month long journey from a basic unfinished version of Diablo 3 to today’s near-complete masterpiece. We’ve seen artisans removed, the entire skill system change and the Skeleton King die at least 1,000 times. We’ve learned about the new RMAH, its fee potential structures […]
Demon Hunter Leveling Build / Leveling Guide
The Demon Hunter is a diverse and agile class. It’s famous for it’s Vault ability that lunges it forward as well as its Rapid Fire and Fan of Knives (think World of Warcraft Rogue). This leveling build will help you save time while leveling by giving you a baseline for what to work with. I […]
Monk Farming Build
The Monk is a very physical yet magical class, doing mostly close quarter combat. However it does have the ability to use some powerful AoE abilities so it should be a suitable farming class after all. The goals with this farming build, as with the other farming builds I’ve come up with, revolve around massive […]
Witch Doctor Farming Build
The Witch Doctor is an interesting class. It doesn’t match any existing stereotypical class role. It comes closest to the necromancer but is still significantly different. Because of this, and because the beta only allows us to get to level 13 this is the best I could come up for a Witch Doctor Farming Build. […]