Tag Archives: Inferno

What’s the Best Class in Diablo 3?

A friend of mine asked me for the inside scoop tonight, “what’s the best class?” or “which class should I play?” I guess after playing the beta for 6 months I should have an idea? Right? Well, no. Blizzard’s goal has always been to balance the classes and provide for a unique play style for […]

Diablo III Will be too Easy

How easy will Diablo III be? This is a big question on a lot of people’s minds. They are sick and tired of World of Warcraft and how easy it has become. Many players have long since left World of Warcraft to play FPS or RTS games, just for the genuine challenge. Leaving the argument […]

Black Mushrooms, Liquid Rainbows and Gibbering Gemstones

If you haven’t realized already, I’ve been distracted by a little thing called Mists of Pandaria. It turns out they released the beta a bit prematurely in an attempt to entertain soon to be Diablo 3 players like myself before Diablo 3 comes out. It worked. As I bring my attention back to Diablo 3 […]

Buying and Selling Gold in Diablo 3

When is the right time to buy and sell gold in Diablo 3? Buying it, maybe never. Selling it, as soon as possible. Consider that gold is going to be in huge demand early in the game. Players are going to be racing to level their artisans, acquire high tier gems, buy exquisite essences and […]

Should you Farm in D3?

The other day a reader commented and asked if it would even be worth it to use these farming methods or if it would just be more valuable to progress through the game normally. The importance of discovering these methods is not to reuse them exactly in the live version of Diablo 3 or even […]

How to get +541% Gold Find

When it comes to farming gold we’ve established some pretty accurate and reliable numbers in the beta. We’re stuck around 20,000-25,000 gold/hr without building a specific set of gear to optimize that. In the beta, with a ton of gold, you could put together a set between 200-250% Gold Find. This is an estimate since […]

Inferno Starter Gear

One of the big things we can take from our experience in Azeroth is that there are certain points in the game where the difficultly suddenly steps it up or new gear is available to your character. Back in 2005 when leveling was a big deal, Hunters and Warriors would suddenly be able to wear […]

Level 60+ Gear and Gems

The Diablo 3 economy will be remarkably different than WoW for several reasons. Among them will be the fact that everything after level 60 will be exchangeable and will never be bound to a character. The difference between a character who just beat the game on Hell difficult and reached level 60 and a character […]

Blizzard Promises: “You’ll Get Your Assess Kicked”

Blizzard released a little teaser video the other day with 3 of the development team’s artists featured explaining in no uncertain terms: “You will die in inferno difficulty!” One of them emphasizes that beta players have played a tiny portion of the easiest difficulty, which he refers to as ‘Farming Level’. It’s been awhile since […]

Gold Find Gear for Diablo 3 Farmers

When it comes to farming in Diablo 3 there are several things we can do to increase how much we make in a given amount of time. We will want to select the right dungeons for our gear and ability as well as selecting ones that make it easier or more likely to find elite […]