Tag Archives: Itemization

Artisan Changes Patch 1.0.3

Blizzard announced it will be adjusting the required gold and requires Pages to level Blacksmithing. If you’re considering power leveling your Blacksmith tomorrow, you have been warned. It currently costs about 645,000 gold to level your Blacksmith, which is probably quite a bit more than the average player earns from level 1 to 60. That […]

The New Magic Find and Gold Find

This is probably old news for most of my readers, but late last week blues confirmed that +Magic Find, +Gold Find and +Experience are being split across your entire group. This is a pretty notable change so I let it bounce around my head for the weekend before I commented on it. At first I […]

Witch Doctor Stat Preview

The Witch Doctor is the last of the 5 classes I took a look at with the goal of finding out which stats and equipment will be the most important for each class. In a few days I’m going to take all 5 classes and combine them in order to get a good picture of […]

Monk Stat Preview

The Monk plays much like I imagine a Pandarian Monk to play, with quick attacks and a spirit based energy system it dashes around the targets using Dashing Strike. In the beta, I’ve used fist weapons for a long time which is a piece of equipment unique to the Monk. As with the other 4 […]

Barbarian Stats Preview

The barbarian’s main abilities are physical melee attacks like Bash and Hammer of the Ancients. Most similar to World of Warcraft’s Warrior class, the barbarian generates fury, instead of of rage. and exhausts it with special abilities. Your barbarian’s build will be focused on fury generation and then hard hitting ways to exhaust accumulated fury. […]

Demon Hunter Stats Preview

The Demon Hunter reminds me, and probably a lot of people, of the Hunter in World of Warcraft. They keep their distance from their targets, use crossbows, bows and traps and have practically no melee ability. If you choose to play a Demon Hunter you’re going to want to have at least a general idea […]

Diablo 3 Enhancements (Enchants)

In Diablo 3 every character you play will have access to your Mystic, which will give you the abilities to identify mysterious items and to enhance your equipment. You’ll level your Mystic from an apprentice to exalted and eventually be able to unlock all the enhancements in Diablo. Let’s take a look at what these […]