Tag Archives: Radiant Star

Don’t Combine Gems

If you haven’t noticed already the prices of gems have already crashed. They are more valuable in their low-quality form than their high quality form, and anyone who is combining gems is losing money big time.

Making Gold with Chipped Gems

As promised, here is a tested and proven way to make gold right now in game. This gold will turn into real money when Blizzard gets their shit together and enables the RMAH. The markets are young and people don’t really know what’s going on. Here is how it works:

How to Level Jewelcrafting

There are only 4 full days left before the release and one of the big questions you should be asking yourself are: what are you going to do with your gold, are you going to level jewelcrafting, are you going to level blacksmithing or are you going to gear up your character? Previously we talked […]

Black Mushrooms, Liquid Rainbows and Gibbering Gemstones

If you haven’t realized already, I’ve been distracted by a little thing called Mists of Pandaria. It turns out they released the beta a bit prematurely in an attempt to entertain soon to be Diablo 3 players like myself before Diablo 3 comes out. It worked. As I bring my attention back to Diablo 3 […]

How to Make 1 Trillion Gold in D3!

Yesterday I updated and shared the latest version of my gem calculator. It helps visualize and calculate how much gold goes into combining gems. It takes into account the new costs of each combination (which goes up each tier) as well as the estimated value of the new reagents (Pages and Tomes). What we learned […]

Gem Combine Prices – Patch 15

The gold sinks in Jewelcrafting just got a whole lot more ridiculous. Thanks to commenter Eagle32 and DiabloNut I’ve got my hands on Patch 15′s gem crafting prices. If you remember my gem calculator (it’s now updated!) from last month the cost of combining each tier of gems (3 Chipped -> 1 Flawed) always cost […]

39,858,050 Gold, and what it means to You!

Yesterday I shared with everyone my gem calculator which helps determine the values of gems on the auction house along with the cost of combining gems into higher tiered gems. One of the things that immediately threw me off was the massive amount it costs just to combine gems. At first sight, 50 gold to […]

Buying and Selling Gems

Buying and selling gems will be among the first ways to make gold I will evaluate. As most people know there are 14 different tiers of gems, each being combined in 3s to make 1 of the next quality tier. Each type of gems starts with ‘chipped’ and works its way up to “radiant star” […]