I’ve been playing with some new players lately and I wanted to throw some basic questions out there and answer them in case someone has similar questions and find same through a search engine. These are real questions I’ve had people ask me in the game.
Tag Archives: Real Money
Sell Your Gold – Inflation is Serious Business
The other day a reader wrote a comment asking if it would be smarter to invest gold in the first few days into your artisan. It might be, but let’s take a realistic look at what’s going to happen to the real-money value of gold in the first week of Diablo 3.
Can You Really Make Money in Diablo 3?
Today a friend of mine asked me: “do you think D3′s “sell shit for real money” system will actually be worth investing in?” Now, let me be clear, this guy had no idea what I’ve been up to the last 6 months. As far as he knows I’m still playing World of Warcraft and collecting […]
Does Real-Money Really Matter?
Yesterday, I read a post at D3Gold Guide about making $5/week in Diablo 3 being “doubtful.” Marcko debunks the myth that Diablo 3 won’t be profitable and explains the crucial difference between casually minded players and well prepared players capable of making actual cash in Diablo 3. How much can players make though and does it […]
Should you Farm in D3?
The other day a reader commented and asked if it would even be worth it to use these farming methods or if it would just be more valuable to progress through the game normally. The importance of discovering these methods is not to reuse them exactly in the live version of Diablo 3 or even […]
How to get +541% Gold Find
When it comes to farming gold we’ve established some pretty accurate and reliable numbers in the beta. We’re stuck around 20,000-25,000 gold/hr without building a specific set of gear to optimize that. In the beta, with a ton of gold, you could put together a set between 200-250% Gold Find. This is an estimate since […]
Inferno Starter Gear
One of the big things we can take from our experience in Azeroth is that there are certain points in the game where the difficultly suddenly steps it up or new gear is available to your character. Back in 2005 when leveling was a big deal, Hunters and Warriors would suddenly be able to wear […]
Farming 21,000 gold/hr with the Demon Hunter
Today I put to test Shattered Crown runs with my Demon Hunter. I originally overlooked this quest because it involved running to the north part of Tristam, entering a cellar, and killing a dozen zombies. This takes well over the 60 seconds that my farming Subtle Essence runs took. However, with the Demon Hunter’s Vault, […]
Making Gold on Day 1
Expansions and patches in World of Warcraft are the absolute best time to make gold. Coming into the update we typically have all the information we need, which glyphs are being added, which raids, which bosses, what will go up in demand and so on. Making gold during the days and weeks after the patch […]
Patch 13 Changes – Who Cares!?!
All weekend people have been drooling and anticipating the new and significant Patch 13 changes. Mostly the ones that revolve around the gold based auction house and real money auction houses. All together these changes include: The addition of a public chat rooms (Class Chat, General Chat, Trade Chat, etc New Interfaces: Skill & Rune […]