Hi friends! I’m finally back from a long trip through Europe! I had a great time, saw some awesome things, and drank a lot of beer! The trip was great, but I couldn’t really enjoy it knowing that Patch 1.0.3 was going to drop and change some key things for us Demon Hunters. Watching the […]
Tag Archives: Elites
Solo Inferno Build – Demon Hunter Inferno Guide
NEW – 6/28 – I have a new guide for patch 1.0.3 complete with videos! Check it out at http://www.diablo3artisans.com/demon-hunter-inferno-1-0-3/. I’m going to stop monitoring this thread, so if you have a comment for me, please leave it on the latest post! Cheers! Hello friends and welcome. I’m Rwen and I’m a Demon Hunter junkie. […]
Demon Hunter Solo Build – Hell / Inferno
This is a completely different approach to playing the Demon Hunter in hell difficulty than I have taken in my other guides. This is a user submitted build: “Evasion Fire is the next Demon Hunter nerf! Use it before we lose it!” There seems to be as many ways to play the Demon Hunter as […]
Farming Den of the Fallen
A month ago I wrote a little about farming the Den of the Fallen in the Weeping Hallow (this is in the second or third quest in the beta). I never published it because it just wasn’t a competitive way of farming subtle essence, at least not compared to the ways that others were sharing […]
Boss Farming in Diablo 3
Farming bosses in Diablo 2 was a favorite pass time for most players. You could make gold and get powerful gear. In World of Warcraft it’s the primary way to gear up your character. You run the same heroics over and over and over again and then the same raids each week on each character. […]
Gold Find vs. Magic Find
The epic battle between + Gold Find and +Magic Find has just begun. The likely outcome in Diablo 3 will be that players want both or either + Magic Find or + Gold Find, but which one is more important? To find out, we can take a look at how much each contributes to various […]