Tag Archives: Diablo 2

What’s the Best Follower?

Followers are one of the first things I notice new players are ignoring when they first play the game. In Diablo 2 followers were mostly unnecessary but in Diablo 3 they are extremely helpful as they deal damage, stun and snare enemies, offer buffs and even heal you. So the question that comes to most […]

7 Options You Should Know About

Just like every other game I’ve played there are several menus full of options that I only look at when there is something I don’t like. There are a few gems in here that can be really helpful, options that you would otherwise not look for that can make your experience a lot better. There’s […]

How to: Secret Cow Level in Diablo 3

If I had a penny for every e-mail, instant message and text message with people asking me: “how do I get to the secret cow level” I’d be… well I wouldn’t be rich, but I’d have some pennies. In Diablo 2 the cow level was used by some players to gather gems and to just […]

Bad Ass Armor Sets – Datamined

The armor sets in Diablo 3 are surprisingly unique compared to their Diablo 2 counter parts. In D2 there were just a few low resolution sets, in the coming release of D3 we’ve got fully 3D models high resolution sets, and not just a few. Here are videos, one for each of the five classes, […]

Cheating in Diablo 3

The topic of cheating has come up in many different circles around the Diablo 3 community. I’ve seen people talking about it at DiabloFans, IncGamers and just about every other major D3 forum. The question originates from the fear of Diablo 3 turning into another Diablo 2. In the old Diablo duping and cheating was […]

Boss Farming in Diablo 3

Farming bosses in Diablo 2 was a favorite pass time for most players. You could make gold and get powerful gear. In World of Warcraft it’s the primary way to gear up your character. You run the same heroics over and over and over again and then the same raids each week on each character. […]

Diablo 3 Farming – Going for Blue

Many people in the beta are trying to use their max level characters to farm the limited content available. Undeniably the best way to make gold or beta bucks in the beta is to sell rare and magic items or the materials you salvage from them. A month ago I would have told you that […]

Gambling in Diablo 3?

In Diablo 2 Blizzard implemented a system specifically to meet the needs of the gambler. They put an NPC in each town loaded with several normal quality items and after you purchase them you would be able to find out whether they were rare, unique or elite. After early bugs were taken care of, the […]

Using Followers in Diablo 3 for Farming and Progression

In Diablo 3, similar to Diablo 2, you will have the option of using 1 of 3 different followers. These ‘mercenaries’ are unlocked as you complete certain quests throughout each difficulty of the game. The followers can be used to help fight back the minions of hell and defeat Diablo. Certainly each one will have […]