A lot of successful World of Warcraft players thought they were going to make a ton of gold in Diablo 3. After making millions of gold in World of Warcraft with their professions, professions like Jewelcrafting, they geared up, collected some gems and power leveled the jeweler. Did they get rich? Maybe, I’ll explain how […]
Tag Archives: Gems
Patch 1.0.3 Changes and the RMAH
The details of Patch 1.0.3 have been circulating for over a week now. Blizzard is bringing big changes to artisans, inferno progression, drop rates and most notably: drop rates. We also expect Blizzard to bring the real money auction house commodities market online for the first time. This will mark the first time players can […]
Artisan Changes Patch 1.0.3
Blizzard announced it will be adjusting the required gold and requires Pages to level Blacksmithing. If you’re considering power leveling your Blacksmith tomorrow, you have been warned. It currently costs about 645,000 gold to level your Blacksmith, which is probably quite a bit more than the average player earns from level 1 to 60. That […]
How to Make Gold with Jewelcrafting
Is it possible to make gold with your Jeweler? Yes, but right now a lot of players are just giving their money away when combining the wrong gems. If you haven’t already, you need to level your jeweler. You can read my jewelcrafting leveling guide to see how much it will cost you and how […]
Don’t Combine Gems
If you haven’t noticed already the prices of gems have already crashed. They are more valuable in their low-quality form than their high quality form, and anyone who is combining gems is losing money big time.
Making Gold with Chipped Gems
As promised, here is a tested and proven way to make gold right now in game. This gold will turn into real money when Blizzard gets their shit together and enables the RMAH. The markets are young and people don’t really know what’s going on. Here is how it works:
Final Gold Making Ideas for Launch
Launch is about 8 hours away, hopefully you’re sleeping getting a good rest before the servers open up and the Skeleton King gets pummeled by over a million first-time players. Here’s a list of mental notes I have sitting at my side that I think will be beneficial
How to Level Jewelcrafting
There are only 4 full days left before the release and one of the big questions you should be asking yourself are: what are you going to do with your gold, are you going to level jewelcrafting, are you going to level blacksmithing or are you going to gear up your character? Previously we talked […]
The Calm Before the Storm
Today marks the last day of the Diablo 3 beta, a 6 month long journey from a basic unfinished version of Diablo 3 to today’s near-complete masterpiece. We’ve seen artisans removed, the entire skill system change and the Skeleton King die at least 1,000 times. We’ve learned about the new RMAH, its fee potential structures […]